- County Tree Surgeons
- WordPress web design
- Custom imagery
- Custom design elements

Website brief
County Trees came to see us and were desperate for a new website as their old one had bitten the dust and generated no enquiries or brand recognition. County Tree Surgeons is a large company that needed a high-quality website, so they requested that.
The project & final result
We delivered a high-end website on WordPress that they can update themselves. There were many images to sort for them and their logo to vectorise, but in the end, we delivered a top tree surgeon website design, and they were delighted.
CTS contacted us in early 2023 to say they had been awarded their Royal Warrant to display by her Majesty the Queen on their website. To go along with this, since the website hadn’t been touched since we designed it in 2017, they wanted a fresh look and a fantastic new web design.
Homepage snippet…To give you an idea!